Monday, August 5, 2013

Day 05. Something You Hope to Do in Your Life

The longest-lasting desire of my life (that is yet unaccomplished) is to become a published author. Maybe not my memoir, though: I’m having second thoughts about going public with what I’ve written. Though I suppose I will eventually get it in the condition to publish. I am working on a new book – a work of fiction.

I’ve heard that many writers will finish a first book and move on to the second (which I’m personally finding much easier to write) and then later go back and revisit / edit the first. That’s my current plan because inspiration has hit and I’m enjoying the honeymoon phase of writing this new story.

I’ve wanted to be an author since I was seven years old, and that drive has not left me.

I’d love to hear your answer to this question: what is something YOU hope to do in your life?


  1. I also want to finally get started on the series I have all planned out in my head... I am going to do the outlines and then just start typing. One of my biggest things to do was to start my blog which I did in April of this year... and I am now contributing to Yahoo!, Huffington Post, and Recess LV so the articles/blogging is covered... just gotta get started on the books!

  2. Well, my fondest ambition at the moment will be accomplished August 24th, but beyond that, I'd like to travel to some exotic and not so exotic places.

    You're an excellent writer & I look forward to picking up your first best seller!

  3. I hope to publish a book, maybe more than one, someday too, Suzi. I have two completely drafted novels in the drawer, but both need work. I hope to resume work one of them before long, but we'll see.


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