Saturday, August 31, 2013

Day 31: Old, Boring 50: A New #Bucket List

  1. Travel – when I was eighteen, I wrote a bucket list of places I wanted to go in the world - that seemed like a totally unattainable goal. But less than ten years later, had gone almost everywhere on that list (and a lot of places that were not on the list). Here are a few places I still hope to see in my lifetime: New York City, Washington, DC, The Great Wall of China, Japan, Jerusalem, and Mexico.
  2. Publish – get a book published.
  3. Learn – to cook new dishes, dance new dances, paint beautiful pictures, and make quilts. I have a lot of academic knowledge; I’m ready to learn some fun stuff.

Wow – my list is short (but dense!). Any suggestions?


  1. I've been to the Great Wall. Whilst in Beijing, you will want to have the duck. Walk through the Houtangs and feel the closeness of the neighborhoods. Visit the night market.

    Above all, keep being the awesome person you are!

  2. Move for a while to a foreign country
    Travel to Europe with my honey


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