Thursday, August 15, 2013

Day 15. Something or someone you couldn’t live without, because you’ve tried living without it

Peace: the kind that comes from living a life that aligns with my beliefs. We cannot live at odds with our beliefs. We either change our beliefs or change our actions. Too often, it is the former that is chosen. Or simply trying to sleepwalk through our days without examining how our lives are aligning with our actions.

How would you answer today’s truth challenge? What (or whom) can you just not live without?


  1. I can really relate to this. Thanks for the post. I'm at a place right now where it's really hard to accept things that I can't live without. It's really hard. I think once I accept it I can have peace.

  2. What(whom) can you not live without?Well that if fairly easy my children,I would be lost with out them.There are my WHY my reason for everything that I do :)


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