Friday, January 25, 2013

We're Not Promised Tomorrow

I was reading the recent stories from my favorite newspaper, The Oregonian, and came across a terribly sad report (click here to read the story). A physically-normal three-year-old girl choked on a meatball and died on Monday while at daycare. Who would think?
The fact that she was at daycare and not with her parents – so sad! These parents will have to live without their little girl forever knowing they were not with her in her final moments. These things happen all too often – a four-year-old chokes on a popcorn kernel in a movie theater (or a bunch of people are randomly gunned down in a theater). Families send their first and second graders to school, but they never make it home. You just never know when someone you love is going to be taken.
Please give your kids a hug and pray for this grieving family.


  1. we are not promised tomorrow is true, but we are asked to live in faith.
    Do what we can,
    in the time we are given,
    with what we have.
    We are to release fear and know that there is a plan for us to prosper and to flourish.
    Hopefully we do what we are asked to do, love who we love and allow the rest to happen as it is supposed to!
    prayers for all <3

  2. Sad but if the parents didn't ship there child off to daycare she would still be alive. People need to get there priorities in order and raise there own children! If you don't have time to raise your own children then maybe it's time to reorganize your home. I don't believe that god ever intended on women working and that is why children are growing up to be so screwed up.

    1. Moms being at home with their children is ideal (God's plan); but, we don't know what the situation is. Children (and adults) can have fatal accidents in their own homes as well as anywhere else.

      All we really know is that a little girl died and her family is heartbroken.

    2. Proverbs 31:10-31 - the idea woman is a very resourceful and hard worker (income earner) according to the Bible.

    3. "Income earner"? Wow nice interpretation. You are retarded

  3. Anon 7:13, five FOC children have died at home in the past two decades, their moms were stay at home... did that protect the children from death? If they were in daycare, the caregiver would have turned them in and they probably would be alive today.

  4. That's not a fair comparison. Children must die in day care all the time 7:13. Have more than 5 kids died at the hands of their caretakers in the last 20 years, locally? I don't keep track, but you must. I don't recall 5 cases of daycare neglect, where they were found criminally at fault. With caregivers it's not for lack of trying either, they try to prosecute every case. If the FOC never had religious exemption in past decades there would've been a parade of members going to prison. But your horrible comment is correct in 1 aspect, it's nicer if you can stay home with them and be super mommy. A super, but man(baby)slaughtering mommy.

    1. Why attack the foc over a comment about not sending your kids off for someone else to raise. You people are so filled with hate that it's sad. The comment must have hit pretty close to home for you. Maybe you need to wory about raising your own children and not ship them off like the woman in the story.

    2. Suzanne what's with calling a godly lifestyle"gods plan" the way you do? It almost seems like you are trying to excuse an ungodly lifestyle be down playing what a woman's role is. It appears as if your saying that it may be "gods plan" but it's okay if you don't go along with it because it's just a plan not a rule or command, or even kind of necessary. This all just seems like one big excuse for an ungodly lifestyle. I think you need to actually do as the bible says and not bend it to fit your ungodly lifestyle. Women that have husbands have absolutely no excuse for working as long as there husband is in good health. And the ones that do work make their husbands worse than an infidel.

    3. What world do you live in?i If you are responsible parents, you are saving for college for your kids, girls and boys. Do they have a social life? Then your also paying for their sports, etc. The social net that the FOC has set up for their own children is an exception to the rule. Other parents actually have to pay for their kids to play, or learn. If you don't intend to provide an education for your children then you may not need the extra income. When your expenses are a fraction of the average parents its easy to hold your nose up. Do you have $50,000 set aside for your kids education? Do you really have to struggle for any aspect of your child's upbringing, or is it just done for you. Do you really do anything to encourage your children's success, or do you rest on the laurels of what has been provided for you without any thought or effort on your part? Suzie has written about parties every weekend, luncheons for widows, and many other safe healthy activities for only your children that any other parent has to pay to provide.Comparing yourselves to yourselves, then judging the actions of parents who are working hard for their children's future is what's retarded.

    4. Most FOC play sports on FOC only teams on FOC leagues with volunteer coaches and umpires. The major cost to any sports league is the insurance. For the FOC, there is not that cost. If a bone is broken, it is set by a man in the church that has that duty.

      No FOC sets aside anything for their child's higher education. If there is any education after high school, it is usually a trade school, apprenticeship, that is paid for by the young adult (male) as they go through the program.

    5. That's really great for them. It explains so much about their attitude. They don't raise children, the way the rest of the responsible parents do. Many working mothers hold down a job just to provide health care. I'm speechless that they would criticize hard working families for providing for their own. While they don't choose to.

  5. 1 Timothy 5:8

    But if any provide not for HIS own, and specially for those of HIS own house, HE hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.

    1. You must be referring to those who refused to provide for his own children by taking them to a doctor so the state had to set in and take care of the children. They did not provide for their own did they?

    2. Anon 2:11
      Interesting interpretation. I think a man that abandons his wife and kids is what that scripture is speaking about, not hospitals or women working. But refusing to see a doctor when its obviously needed may be tempting god. Everyone should be careful when accusing someone of being worse than an infidel. A man's role in providing goes a lot deeper than being the bread winner. A safe faithful godfearing house is what all men should try to provide.

      Anon 2:17
      It's better to remain silent and have everyone think you are ignorant than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
      A godfearing man should always refer back to the bible.

      Still not buying your book

    3. I heard that Suzanne is going to ship a free copy to every member listed in the church phone book. Then if you are a current member you should start a book club to study it. There are no bible studies there but this book should be good.

    4. Anon 5:11

      I'm not concerned about your book purchase.

      But everything else you said is right on. Very good post.

  6. Mathew 7:1
    "Judge not lest ye be judged."

    1. IF you are FOC and are quoting bible to support your cause you should stop. The bible has been abused, misquoted and misused so many ways over the years out there, they have no right to quote it.


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